HDFC Silver ETF - NFO - Opened on 08-18-2022

An open-ended Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that replicates or tracks the performance of silver has been introduced by HDFC Asset Management Company called the HDFC Silver ETF . The NFO is now active and will end on August 26. The investment goal, as stated in the press release, is to produce returns that, subject to tracking error, correspond to the performance of physical silver at local prices. An individual may find it challenging to invest in physical silver and store it securely. As a result, HDFC's Silver ETF NFO offers investors the chance to invest in and own silver digitally. This silver is easily tradable during market hours, replicates or tracks the performance of silver, and diversifies one's portfolio at a low cost. Click Here to Read more about HDFC Silver ETF Article : Aumxs Financial Services